If you walked up to a Russian person today and told him or her that a Russian Czar turned down the gift of massive amounts of tea that China sent to him as a good will gift in the 1600's because he considered tea to be a worthless gift, you'd probably leave the person you were talking to speechless. While Russians today love tea as passionately as they love a good bottle of vodka, this wasn't always the case.
Luckily, by the end of the 17th century, Russia had come to realize how marvelous this beverage is and actually created a treaty with China just to protect its access to tea. By the early 1800's, tea was definitely an important part of most Russians' lives. China could barely keep up with the increasing demand for tea. After all, it wasn't a matter of packing a few crates on a ship or a plane and sending them on their way. Delivering tea during this era meant a long journey by camel through very inhospitable conditions.
As they enjoyed their new beverage, Russians developed a way to prepare and drink tea that worked well in their cold climate. This method, which was created during the 1800's, is still popular today. To prepare tea the Russian way, you make a tea concentrate, which is then diluted with water that has been heated in a special pot called a samovar.
How can I choose a good book about tea?
Are there any good books about green tea?
Are books on tea parties helpful?
Are there any green tea books that can teach me about Asian tea ceremonies?
Is there a tea book that can help me cook with tea?
Are tea books a good gift idea?
Is The Book of Tea a good choice for me?
Is drinking tea in England still popular?
Is there an easy Indian tea recipe I can try?
Is the Russian tea recipe different from other teas?
Is there any way to have fun with tea culture?
Is tea culture in Japan different from tea culture in other countries?
Is there a Thai tea recipe I could make at home?
Are there any health benefits of herbal tea?
Is there anything I should know about detox green tea?
Are the claims I've heard about green tea and health true?
What are the health benefits of tea?
Is organic green tea able to help with diabetes treatment?
What is the history of drinking tea in China?
Is there a history of tea in Russia?
What is the history of tea drinking in Holland?
What is the history of tea parties?
What is the tea history of Africa?
What is the history of tea brewing?
Are there any tea games we can play at my next tea party?
How is Japanese green tea brewed for a ceremony?
Why are Japanese tea ceremonies important?
How do I act during a Japanese tea ceremony?
Is Japanese tea ceremony history based on religion?
Are there any tips for designing a Japanese tea garden?
Can I build a Japanese tea house?
What are the parts of a Japanese tea set?
How do I choose the best tea to serve with food?
Is there any healthy food to serve with tea for a party?
Can I use loose leaf herbal teas in recipes?
Can I use loose leaf tea in recipes?
Are there any tips for fillings for tea sandwiches?
Are there any tea serving tips for parties?
Are there any tips for drinking tea?
Are there any green tea products that are portable?
Are more people drinking tea today?
Is there a way to find out more about the benefits of drinking tea?
Why is it that women drinking tea is such a part of our culture?
Is there a way to protect my Art Deco tea pot collection?
Is there a place where I can collect Art Deco tea pots?
How can I find beautiful tea pot art?
Can I find original tea cup art at a reasonable price?
Are there many tea cup design options?
Is there a cleansing tea recipe?
Is there a good ginger tea recipe?
Are there any good green tea recipes?
Is there a good herbal tea recipe for cocktails?
Is there a recipe for sweet tea?
Are there any tips for food to serve with tea?
Are afternoon teas a good idea for a cafe?
Are there green tea restaurants?
How do I dress for a visit to a tea house?
Can I create a tea room at home?
Are there any tips for setting a tea table?
Are green tea bags really green?
is a tea pouch good for iced tea?
Is there a tea bag packaging option for loose tea?
Is a tea pouch easy to use when I am on the road?
Are tea pouches designed for a cup or a pot?
Is there a way to use a sealable tea pouch with my loose tea?
Can I do anything with all the tea bag tags I've collected?
Can I use a tea pouch in the tub?
What Can I Use To Sweeten My Tea